Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Heyllo to all, I'm J-Lindo. Uhm... What to say about myself?

Let's see. How'd I come up with the nickname/screenname J-Lindo? Actually, I didn't. One of my closest friends came up with it, parodying the nickname of Jennifer Lopez, J-Lo. I loved it and decided to use it as my screenname.

I'm a Christian. A strange one though, as I believe it's possible for the Big Bang to actually have happened and am not a KJV-only person, yet my default Bible is the KJV. I love debates and discussions about this kind of stuff. Preferably over text though, I stumble and stammer while debating in person. I guess text gives you more time to carefully plan out one's words, I don't know. And the fact that the person one is debating is not physically there to strangle you is also a plus :D

I also have kinda a habit of using those little face thingies. Another oddity- I'm born and bred Southern, but I don't like cornbread or greenbeans (especially green beans- blech!). I type with proper spelling and grammar and whatnot, but I also lean towards adding in some of that southern dialect- "Do what, now?" "Ain't never gonna happen to me." Stuffs like that.

i used 2 type like this, but i eventually stopped. yknow with all the plz & thx nd idk ys that stufz.

Enough of that, then. I'm 17 and 6'4 and have the capability to grow a full beard, and have since I was 15, though I just keep a goatee. I may eventually try doing a Shaggy cosplay, just for kicks.

If you couldn't tell by my profile pic, or whatever it's called on the blog, I love Star Wars. Ironically, finding the tutorial on how to make the beam of a lightsaber in Paint Shop Pro was completely by accident.
I've also stumbled upon a tutorial on how to make Force Lightning (what you see Darth Hideous, erm, Sidious and Count Dooku doing), though it was for Photoshop, so I had to translate all the instructions so I could do it in Paint Shop Pro.

I use an older version of Paint Shop Pro, version 7. 7.04, to be exact. I hear there's an unofficial 7.05 update somewhere though...
I've grown quite used to it, and I don't look forward to the day when I finally have to drop it.

I also love parodies. So my favorite musician/band is ApologetiX, that Christian parody band. I also love Weird Al.

I have a deviantArt account by the same username. Here- click on this link to check it out.

'nough 'bout me. Do communicate, and I will try to post something or other. It may be some philosophical thoughts, it may be a rant. Maybe something interesting I've found, who knows? We'll see what's on my mind in the near future. Until then,


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