Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What Christianity Is

I considered titling this "Mere Christianity," but sadly, it's taken.

So, I've got to do a 2-page essay (whew, not too long) on what I believe Christianity is. This is really ironic, having to write a long essay I'd rather keep short about C.S. Lewis and having to write a short essay I'd rather have long on Christianity. Anyways, here I go.

...Well, now that I'm trying to think about it, it may not be that long xD I must do it anyway!

Oh, I just looked over it again, and all I need for tomorrow is an outline. Alright, I can do this... I think.

What's the "main thing" about Christianity? What's the core?

I fear this is slowly becoming another Christian cliché, but I believe it's falling totally in love with Jesus, like a bride and groom. There is a Christian cliché going around, in which people reply, in response to being asked what their religious views are, "I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with Jesus Christ." (Which I've found to not always be a truthful answer.) As cliché as it is, it's what true Christianity is- a relationship. That's exactly what the main thing is, but it's much deeper and better than what that sounds like. Here's a comparison I like to make: I'm sure most everyone has had or does have someone they absolutely love. Someone you know so well you could tell what they were thinking and feeling. You absolutely hate it when they're anything but happy. You wanna be the best boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse you can be. You'll do anything to keep them happy. You can't stand not talking to them. You dread every second away from them. Whatever they like/dislike, all of a sudden, you like and dislike the same thing. I'm sure this sounds familiar to a lot of people.

I believe that's the kind of love God wants with Him and every human. In fact, you look at Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6 when He said to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. In order for her to even be a bride, is that not precisely what she must do, love her betrothed with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength?

What's so good about being a Christian?

Going with what I said before about love being the main thing about it, it's also what's so good about being one. I've not met anyone who loves to be hated. Even if they're hated by some, they're loved by others. Suppose even those others started to hate that person? The person would be in misery. No one to love, confide in, talk to, anything. In fact, it's a reason there's so much suicide (particularly among teenagers)- they feel alone, left out, like no one loves them or cares. One even gets a renewed spirit with a brand new nature, both different than the original. One that enables the person to truly love God and every last human being around them.

What's so different about Christianity?

As far as I know, it's the only religion (if one can call it that) that doesn't require good works to outweigh bad works in order to get to the good place. Instead of mankind attempting (and failing) to ascend to where God is, God came down to the level of mankind, even making Himself into the form of a man. Any other religion has mankind attempting to reach God's level, which does not work out, since no one is perfect (supported even in Christianity by Romans 3:23).

If I could have someone comment and tell me how I could do better, do so please.

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