Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Had a Birthday, More Musings
Anyways, as said in the title, I just had a birthday on December 2. I'm 18, hooray! I got a Nintendo (NES) for my birthday. It's really awesome. Really really awesome. For those who are awesome enough to wonder, no, I haven't beaten Super Mario Bros... yet! The farthest I've gotten is World 7-4, so I hope to accomplish that soon. I also got sunglasses with a hidden camera and microphone. It takes 640x480 video (with audio) and 3264x2448 photos. Obviously, it's incredible. I can't wait to record my sister's funny moments with it.
Shoot.... There was something I really really really wanted to blog about, but I've completely forgotten what it was. I'll make another post later with what I wanna talk about. Until then, my friends!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Hanged Man's Curse
Anyways, I found something very interesting about Jesus that I think is pretty telling. Check this out- Deuteronomy 21:23 (Deut. 21:23 NIV*) says that whoever is hung is cursed by God. The Greek version of Deuteronomy (LXX or Septuagint) says that whoever is hung on a tree is cursed by God, as shown by Paul in Galatians 3:13 (Gal. 3:13 RSV) (although it seems some translations render it as "pole" rather than tree. I doubt it makes a difference, though, since one could argue that the cross had a pole-like structure).
And Paul makes the point clear in that same verse that I'm making- Jesus got cursed and became a curse for the sake of saving mankind. He got hung on a tree (or pole) that was the cross. And since whoever's hung like that is cursed by God, boom. And certainly the curse He got was bigger than any other- the weight of the sin of the world on His shoulders. Thankfully, though, He was able to take it. And, obviously, it's left Him scarred for the rest of His life. Though it seems He thought it was worth it, as found in Hebrews 12:2 (Heb. 12:2 NKJV). He went through it because He could see the joy He was gonna be getting from it. And I have a theory as to what this joy was coming from.
While reading the NET Bible (which I like because of its overload of footnotes), I found this footnote at Galatians 5:22 (Gal. 5:22 NLT): "Another way to punctuate this is 'love' followed by a colon (love: joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). It is thus possible to read the eight characteristics following 'love' as defining love." Basically, it's possible that rather than there being 9 fruits of the Spirit, there is but one, with 8 main characteristics that're found from it, and the one fruit is love. And check it out- the first characteristic listed is joy. So, if this alternate reading is accurate, joy is a result of love.
Even if one doesn't think this rendering is correct, I doubt one can really separate love from joy. When one loves another and they see eachother, what happens inside? No doubt joy, along with the other 7 as well (heh, I could really make a case for that verse being rendered that way.).
So, why go through with the cross and get Himself scarred for the rest of eternity due to a huge curse that He put onto Himself? What was the reason this joy ahead in time existed? I'm willing to bet it was love.
Now, don't get confused. I'm not talking about "He died on the cross because He loved us." It is true, but I'm talking about, "He died on the cross to get love." It's an interesting thought- the Creator and Designer of everything in existence paid blood to get love.
*For those who don't know, I have a plugin that turns Bible references into links that make the verse(s) pop up in a little box when you hover your cursor over it. The default translation is KJV, but for those who prefer a more modern version, I put in parentheses the same reference with a different translation specified.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Debate or No Debate? That Is the Question
Monday, May 28, 2012
God Punishing Prodigal Children?
Hey, Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, how much truth is there in that?
Larry: Nothin'.
Mr. Lunt: Zilch.
Larry: Nada.
Thank you.
So let's think for a bit- why not punish the sinner for what they've done? After all, they're a Christian yet they've defied God! That ought to be enough for punishment.
Absolutely correct. The problem is, the people who usually make that claim forget the second part: Jesus took all the punishment for the sins of the whole world.
But what about consequences? Are you saying that we can go sin without consequences?
~facepalms~ People, there is a difference between punishment and consequence. Consequence is synonymous with effect; the consequence is the effect resulting from a cause. The consequence, or effect, is what is brought onto the person by their own self. Punishment is brought onto the person by someone in authority (in this case, God). Consequences do happen, like a girl getting pregnant from sex that shouldn't have happened. This happens not by God's doing, but the person's own.
Now there may be more arguments to counter the idea of no punishment, but I believe the Bible itself has the key to lay them all to rest. Take a look in Luke 15:11-24 (Luke 15:11-24 YLT*). It's the parable of the prodigal son; I'm sure you all know this story. The kid tells his dad he wants his inheritance, the dad gives it to him, he goes and spends it all partying and being an idiot, he ends up broke and starving and feeding pigs, he goes back home humbled, and his dad welcomes him home with a ring, robe, shoes, and a party.
Here's how I look at it. The father is God, and the kid is a Christian. The kid (Christian) decides he wants to go out and sin. So the father (God) willingly lets him go (for God respects the human will; He doesn't force Himself onto anyone). The kid (Christian) goes and spends all his inheritance on Lord knows what. Luke 15:13 (Luke 15:13 RSV) says he wasted it. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was doing just terrible, ungodly things like hooking up with girls and prostitutes (which is actually confirmed in verse 30), having nightly drunken sprees, rubbing his wealth in poor people's faces, etc. (Keep in mind what you'd think of a pastor or someone in today's world who's supposed to be a Christian but acts like this.) Then there's a famine and the guy goes broke (is that a punishment or consequence? Give you a hint: who brought the state of being broke on him- his father or himself?). He gets so desperate that he takes a job feeding pigs, and is so desperate for food he wishes he could eat whatever the pigs are eating (punishment or consequence? So far, the answer to both looks like consequence. He brought it all on himself.) The son (Christian) finally decides to go back to his father (God), but says he will tell his father that he is no longer worthy of being called His son and will be willing to work as a servant. He was preparing to be punished! You think you're being punished severely with a lecture and a whip? At least you get to keep the family name. This one was thinking he would be denounced as even his father's own son. I doubt that's happened to many. He then trods off back home. When the son (Christian) comes back, however, the father (God) sees him from a distance and runs as fast as his legs will carry him towards His son. But is this father (God) running to punish the son (Christian)? Actually, it says He had compassion, gave him a bear hug, and kissed him. The father wasn't mad at all! He was overjoyed when His kid finally came back! The son tried to say to his father that he will be more than willing to work as a hired servant without being recognized as a son. He agrees to whatever punishment his father may have in store for him. The father (God), instead of lashing out at His son (Christian), telling him how wrong he was to do what he did, punishing him, and denouncing him, yells to his servants to bring out the best robe, a ring, and some shoes. He then orders them to take the fattest calf and kill it for a celebration feast and party.
I'm sure you noticed that the father did absolutely nothing to punish His son. Why the heck didn't He? He knew the son had learned his lesson, for one. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come back! In fact, He even says so in Luke 15:24, 27, and 32 (Luke 15:24 NIV, Luke 15:27 NIV, Luke 15:32 NIV). He says the reason there's gonna be a party is because the son, for this, was dead, but now is alive again. The son was lost, but now he's been found. He's come back home safe and sound. What are God's thoughts centered on? The kid is back!
Of course, there's other Christians, represented by the older brother later on. He hears the music and dancing at the party and asks what's going on. And, like most Christians, is shocked to hear that his dad is not punishing the younger brother at all, but celebrating his return. He talks to his father, and points out how well he's behaved the entire time, yet never got a party for himself. Then, possibly attempting to make the father look like a hypocrite, points out that the other son spent his father's life savings on prostitutes, yet gets a full party and the fattest calf gets killed for a feast for him. I do think he represents the Christians who think the other Christians who sin ought to be punished for what they've done. This is done out of a lack of love for the other brother. Had he loved his little brother with the same unconditional love that the father did, he would have ran alongside his father when He ran to greet His son who'd finally returned. But alas, he acts rather in jealousy and anger than love. After the inquiry, the father says they are partying because there is a good reason- the son, who'd gone away and been an idiot, has come to his senses and has returned. He was dead, and is now alive again; he was lost, but is now found.
With this story, told by Jesus (and therefore, God) Himself, I don't see how anyone could believe God punishes His children who disobey Him. Rather, like in the parable, He waits patiently until His child comes back home, ready to greet him/her with open arms and a compassionate, loving heart. This kind of love relationship between man and God was enabled when Jesus took the punishment we deserved on His cross. Now that the punishment has been inflicted, there is no need for it. Only love. That's what I've discovered about God recently more than ever- nothing His children can do will ever make Him run to the returning child with a whip and chains and a long lecture about how wrong they were. And, as I have implied (or rather, as Jesus Himself replied), it is the ones with no love in their hearts that wish to see the wrongdoers punished. Remember the older brother who was whining about the younger one going out and being an idiot and still gets a party? Had he had the love and heart for his brother as his father had for him, he would have come right alongside his father when running to meet the returning son.
Until next time,
*I put the reference a second time in parentheses with another translation's initials there for people who would rather read a translation easier to read than the KJV, which is the default translation if I do not specify another. If you're on a computer, you'll see what I mean when you hover your cursor over both of them.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Calvinism Thoughts
Then again, He also predestined whether or not you would be mad or think me stupid for this as well, right? ;)
Anyways, just a few thoughts. My Calvinist friend said something about human responsibility (ie if God has predestined who's going to be saved and who isn't, why bother preaching the Gospel? Because He told us to.). Which is weird, because "responsibility" by definition requires free will because when one has a responsibility, one can choose to do or not do what they are responsible to do.
The thing that really caught my attention was this website explaining predestination http://www.orlutheran.com/html/trelect.html. He's pretty thorough, I think. Though it looks like he believes in free will with everything except getting saved. Odd for a Calvinist, who typically believes in no free will whatsoever due to God preordaining everything that's ever going to happen.
He's pretty straightforward and explains everything well, except for the very last parts.
Predestination is intended to be a teaching of the greatest comfort for Christians - but only for Christians. Not predestination, but "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" is to be preached to the lost. It is most foolish to talk to non-Christians about predestination, for this teaching is not intended for them. Rather, unbelievers should be pointed to "Jesus Christ and Him crucified," to the Gospel that says that God offers reconciliation, forgiveness, and eternal life, to everyone who believes, regardless of their social status, race, sex, or past life (See John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:19; 1 John 2:1-2; Galatians 3:27). "He died for all" (2 Co. 5:15) is the message the non-believing world needs to hear.
To be honest, I find that just a tad bit hypocritical. Believe that God is only going to save some people that He's already chosen beforehand, yet teach non-Christians that Christ died for all? Hide the doctrine of predestination, then reveal it when they're ready? Say, "God died for all people in every nation, His blood can save you today," then, "God only died for a certain group of people, of which you are lucky enough to be a part of. I only told you He died for all so that you would get saved."
Why not tell non-Christians that God only died for those He'd already chosen? I believe it ruins people's want of salvation. When a non-Christian hears God only died for the elect, he can very easily say, "I'm not part of the elect; I am not going to be saved." And the Calvinist is stuck there because obviously God preordained those people to say that. If people started hearing that, much fewer would get saved, I think. And those who would, being young Christians, probably would not go around telling other people about it because hey, if other people are gonna get saved, He's already predestined them to, so nothing I do or don't do can alter His plans! So I think Calvinists want people saved, but know their doctrine is too dangerous for a non-believer to hear, otherwise Christianity would likely fall.
Though to be honest, my biggest problem with Calvinism is that it totally rips love out of the equation. Oh, it tries to keep it in there by saying God choose who He choose out of love. But the problem is, I believe God created mankind so He could have someone to love Him back. Calvinism teaches God created us solely for His glory. But He's got innumerable angels doing that already. I believe God wanted love, not glory. Sure, He gets glory out of it, but it wasn't the main purpose. Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. What gave Him joy? Knowing He'd get more glory, or knowing that because of what He'd done, He would be able to finally have a bride to love Him? Here's what I think could answer the question: do you find joy in being glorified or being loved? I believe it would come from being loved, and I'm willing to bet the same answer will go for God.
Calvinists (for the most part) claim humans have no free will. If we don't, and we truly have no choice about whether or not we're going to be saved, then we can't really be loving God back. Love implies a choice to either love or not love. Love is never forced. This is also tried to be covered up, by saying we will love Him when we do get saved, but if He decided we will, is it really love?
Again, I ask you: Would you rather your spouse be a robot who loves you but has no choice to do otherwise, or have one who loves you even though they have the choice not to? I think anyone would choose the ladder. Why? Because it's more real that way.
I could be all wrong, but that's how I see it.
One last food for thought: Couldn't Calvinism be refuted entirely if one could prove God doesn't actually know the future? ;)
(Not to say God can't make extremely educated guesses or can't know whether His prophecies will come true or not. His prophecies will come true because those are special events that He wishes to happen and will happen because His will is dominant and can override anyone else's.)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Everything Changes... Not!
Heard a little quote somewhere on this vast internet thats simply put as, "Everything changes."
Is this true? I'm sure people have plenty of arguments for why or why not it is. But the only logical conclusion can be is that it is a false statement. And the argument is very simple. The statement "Everything changes" is given as an unchanging statement, and any argument supporting it is given as an unchanging argument. The statement itself and any argument made to support it ultimately defeats it. Therefore, there are some things in the world that do not change.
As a Christian, I believe God's nature never changes. As a person with reason, I believe the statement "Not everything changes" is unchanging.
Y'know, "everything changes" sounds like something out of a movie. Did it come from some movie outta Hollywood?
Update 06/02/2012: That movie Ratatouille!!! One of the main moral points came out in a talk with Remy and his dad, and Remy said, "Change is nature, dad! And it starts when we decide." What's wrong with it? If it's true, shouldn't the two things he said naturally change (if change is nature)? Oh wait, we can't say that in the movie- it'd defeat the purpose!
People, think about what you put on your statuses! I will comment on them to point out their stupidity and write a blog about it. :D
Not filled with much to chew on, but wanted to write something for fun. Until next time,
Friday, April 27, 2012
Forgetfulness and Youth Pastor Pressure
There was something I wanted to blog my thoughts on, but for the life of me, I can't remember what!!
Was it a KJV-only argument?
Was it something I thought up?
Was it something someone said?
Was it something I read?
What was it?!?!?! Grr.
Well, this isn't it, but a friend I'd just met recently had this conversation with me:
She goes, "I'm Methodist. My dad is a youth pastor :D"
Not incredibly impressed, I say, "Cool. Bet that's fun."
Then the truth comes out as she says, "Sorta..."
Betting I already know what she's gonna say, I say, "Not really?"
She then admits, "It is, but there are downsides to it... Everyone expects me to be perfect, and be a little angel... at church I can't be myself.."
I then say a bit of info I'd learned somewhere, "Ah, I see. Yeah, it's always the pastor's kids/youth pastor's kids (or any kids of the ones in church authority) expected to be perfect angels. Which is why oftentimes they're actually the worst kids- because so much pressure is put on them to be perfect angels.
Not saying anything about you specifically, I'm not saying you're bad just because you're the daughter of a youth pastor :P"
She then goes, "Yeah. Im not bad I don't usually let it get to me."
Then she says what I think is a bunch of poop that's been shoved down her throat, prolly most of her life: "God doesn't want it to. He wants me to try to reach the expectations. But yeah."
I then say, "He wants you to try to reach the expectations? Someone's given you some messed up theology.
I say He simply wants you to love Him like a bride loves her husband. With a relationship as deep and loving as that, He'll take you through anything with ease."
To which she replies, "I have been told by my dad that I should try to reach expectations even though I may not fully reach the level of them . He said its the right thing and what God wants."
So that's where it's coming from. The pressure to be an angel in church is coming straight from her father. And why not? What youth pastor wants to be known for having a "backslidden" or "fallen away from God" kind of daughter? In fact, the youth pastor's daughter oughta show everyone what a wonderful dad he is and remind them of the reason he was chosen for the job and they weren't. Right?
This is the kind of corruption I'm really growing to strongly dislike, especially since the more I look into it, the more I see. I bet it's been in church since day one and has since passed on down to our generation.
In the words of Stan Lee...
'Nuff said.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
What Christianity Is
So, I've got to do a 2-page essay (whew, not too long) on what I believe Christianity is. This is really ironic, having to write a long essay I'd rather keep short about C.S. Lewis and having to write a short essay I'd rather have long on Christianity. Anyways, here I go.
...Well, now that I'm trying to think about it, it may not be that long xD I must do it anyway!
Oh, I just looked over it again, and all I need for tomorrow is an outline. Alright, I can do this... I think.
What's the "main thing" about Christianity? What's the core?
I fear this is slowly becoming another Christian cliché, but I believe it's falling totally in love with Jesus, like a bride and groom. There is a Christian cliché going around, in which people reply, in response to being asked what their religious views are, "I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with Jesus Christ." (Which I've found to not always be a truthful answer.) As cliché as it is, it's what true Christianity is- a relationship. That's exactly what the main thing is, but it's much deeper and better than what that sounds like. Here's a comparison I like to make: I'm sure most everyone has had or does have someone they absolutely love. Someone you know so well you could tell what they were thinking and feeling. You absolutely hate it when they're anything but happy. You wanna be the best boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse you can be. You'll do anything to keep them happy. You can't stand not talking to them. You dread every second away from them. Whatever they like/dislike, all of a sudden, you like and dislike the same thing. I'm sure this sounds familiar to a lot of people.
I believe that's the kind of love God wants with Him and every human. In fact, you look at Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6 when He said to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. In order for her to even be a bride, is that not precisely what she must do, love her betrothed with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength?
What's so good about being a Christian?
Going with what I said before about love being the main thing about it, it's also what's so good about being one. I've not met anyone who loves to be hated. Even if they're hated by some, they're loved by others. Suppose even those others started to hate that person? The person would be in misery. No one to love, confide in, talk to, anything. In fact, it's a reason there's so much suicide (particularly among teenagers)- they feel alone, left out, like no one loves them or cares. One even gets a renewed spirit with a brand new nature, both different than the original. One that enables the person to truly love God and every last human being around them.
What's so different about Christianity?
As far as I know, it's the only religion (if one can call it that) that doesn't require good works to outweigh bad works in order to get to the good place. Instead of mankind attempting (and failing) to ascend to where God is, God came down to the level of mankind, even making Himself into the form of a man. Any other religion has mankind attempting to reach God's level, which does not work out, since no one is perfect (supported even in Christianity by Romans 3:23).
If I could have someone comment and tell me how I could do better, do so please.
Transliteration: Baptizo and Hades
Some modern translations use the word Hades instead of Hell! What is Hades doing in the Bible? That is of ancient Greek mythology, not the Bible. The KJV correctly uses the word Hell.
I wasn't too sure about this until a couple days ago, when it randomly hit me. (I kinda wonder if it's God just giving me random thoughts sometimes.) Hades is indeed the god of the underworld in Greek mythology. (In this case, the name of the god probably became used as the general underworld. We do that in English too. For example, the word scrooge was made up after Ebeneezer Scrooge, the old miser in A Christmas Carol.) So lemme ask this- what language was the New Testament written in?
Indeed, Greek. Perhaps the word for hell is hades?
If that's so, then they have merely transliterated the word rather than translated it! Only goes to show what a terrible translation it is, because obviously the people who made it don't want people to know where they're going without Christ when they die.
In that case, you've condemned your own KJV. It also has a transliteration- the Greek word baptizo. The translation is something like "to submerge, esp. in water".
So what? They obviously knew what that meant.
Nope. Remember, the KJV was going to be under King Jame's name, and the translators- and everyone in Britan- didn't wanna offend or contradict the king and his beliefs. Otherwise, off with your head. Short history lesson- the tradition was to merely sprinkle water upon the person's head, rather than submerging them. (It probably came from one of the ancient pagan traditions when Rome tried to convert England to Catholism.) One knows long-held traditions are not easily broken. If they made a Bible that contradicted the tradition and beliefs of the king, imagine what trouble they'd be in. So what'd they do? Made up a new word. Baptize! So if one condemns other Bibles for transliterating, one must also condemn the KJV for it.
I just checked it out with a KJV Bible program, in which I can click on a word and it shows me what its original was. In the Old Testament, I find that the only word for Hell is Sheol. (We've heard that one before, another transliteration.) It's the Hebrew word for Hell. Then in the New Testament, I've got Hades (told ya) and Geena, which I have never heard before. I'll have to check that out.
These three words do seem to be able to translate as Hell, but their definitions vary a bit. I'll have to look into them a bit more. I've found (I think) Hades and Sheol seem to be equivalents.
Oh, I found another one. Tartaroo.
Y'know, since the New Testament has a bunch of different words all being translated into one Hell, I wonder if they mean more than what the consolidated English word appears to say. I do think I'll be checking this out.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Let Me Google Unimpressed For You
I was quite unimpressed on Good Friday (04-06-2012). I meant to talk about this before, but it slipped my mind. Where was I unimpressed? At church. Why?
For this particular occasion, three Independent Baptist churches came together for one service. One of the three was the church of my sister's and my friends who go there. I don't really mind going. I tend to be accepted as long as I don't mention my beliefs on the KJV :P
Anyways, my sister and I went to the host church for the sermon, sitting with our friends. The host church's pastor (I think) came up and gave a short speech about these three churches coming together under Christ to celebrate His death and resurrection. This is where I was unimpressed.
How could I be unimpressed by this, you ask? Well, three churches coming together... they're all Independent Baptist churches. It's not hard at all for them to come together. That's like a couple white gangs coming together.
What's it gonna take to impress me then?
Had the churches coming together been different denominations- Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, etc. come together under one Christ to celebrate Him, then would I have been incredibly impressed. It would have been like black, Mexican, and white gangs coming together.
And I bet satan would hate nothing more than all the denominations of Christianity putting aside their differences and unifying. After all, what better way to attempt to destroy the Bride of Christ than dividing her against herself (Mark 3:25; Mark 3:25 NIV)? And indeed, what better way to fool the different divisions into thinking they're doing okay by coming together with the ones that believe the same way they do?
I just recently rediscovered Let Me Google That For You. It's quite amusing. Here's one I made for borborygmus. Terrible thing to have, it is. I get it everyday. You probably do too.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
The Meaning of Life: Why'd He Do It?
Ephesians 5:25-32 (Eph. 5:25-32 NIV)* says, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: for we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church."
We believe in the Bible interpreting itself, right? Even from Old Testament to New and New to Old. That's how it should be.
I believe Paul is leaving us clues to this "great mystery". Perhaps he didn't have the time to explain it, so maybe he expected the Ephesians to research on their own. But I do believe I know the answer. Let's dig around.
Paul says, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." And, "of His flesh, and of His bones." He's quoting the Old Testament- in fact, he's even quoting the very beginning of it.
Genesis 2:18-24 (Gen. 2:18-24 ESV) says, "And YHWH God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground YHWH God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And YHWH God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which YHWH God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
And there we are. Looking into the context of where Paul quoted from, we find the great mystery revealed. He says, "...I speak concerning Christ and the church."
In this case, let's replace Adam with Christ and Woman with Christ's bride.
God said, "It's not good that Christ should be alone; I'll make a bride fit for Him." And God brought Christ to Earth and brought to Him every man, angel, and creature to see what He thought, but there was no bride found fit for Him. Then God put a 3-day sleep onto Christ, and out of His side, a bride was formed.
That's why He came and died. Not merely to give Himself praise and glory, but so that, in His sleep, a bride could be made. When one has been forgiven of their sins, and the nature of God embedded into them, then have they become part of the bride of Christ. And what must a bride do? Love her husband with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength. But how could she completely love Him, unless He demonstrates His love first? John 15:13 (John 15:13 NLT) "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Indeed, no better way to show how much you love someone than to give one's own life for them. Romans 5:8 (Rom. 5:8 NKJV) "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He showed her He loved her. That's why being a Christian is all about relationship.
Why'd He need a bride to love though? "And YHWH God said, 'It is not good that [Christ] should be alone..." You tell me.
His bride is just like Him. No spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. She's perfect. Sinless. Knows Him well enough to know His thoughts, feel His feelings, and speak His words. Being loving, joyful, peaceable, patient, good, gentle, faithful, humble, kind, and maintaining self-control. Not envying, not prideful or bragging, polite, not self-centered, not easily provoked, thinks no evil, rejoices in truth and not evil, and hopeful. She's got God's own nature, in short. (1 Cor. 13:4-7 RSV, 1 Cor. 13:4-7, Gal. 5:22-23, Gal. 5:22-23 WEB)
That's what you become when you get saved and decide to love Him. The relationship will grow. You will grow more like Him as time goes by.
This is the meaning of life- to have a perfect, loving relationship with Jesus. With what He's done and what we can become, what more do we need?
I'll always love Him.
*For those who are on the mobile website or don't know, I have a Bible plugin that, when I type a reference, will make a box with the verse when the mouse hovers over the reference. It changes translation when I specify it. I put an extra reference in parentheses with a different translation for comparison or easier reading.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Rebuttal to KJV Questions
1. Since you're smart enough to find "mistakes" in the KJV, why don't you correct them all and give us a perfect Bible?
I never said I was smart enough to find mistakes in it. I don't know enough Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to find any. I suppose you know enough of all three to be able to tell me it is perfectly translated?
2. Do you have a perfect Bible?
I don't know. Like I said, I don't know enough of the old languages to know. I assume you do?
3. Since you do believe "the Bible" is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice, could you please show us where Jesus, Peter, James, Paul, or John ever practiced your terminology ("the Greek text says...the Hebrew text says....the originals say...a better rendering would be....older manuscripts read...." etc.)?
Since you believe the same thing, could you please show us where Jesus, Peter, James, Paul, or John ever practiced your terminology ("you must use the KJV...faith in Christ alone gets you to Heaven if you have a KJV...people who don't believe in the KJV are stupid occultists and satanists...etc.)?
4. Since you do not profess to have a perfect Bible, why do you refer to it as "God's word"?
Oddly enough, I don't. The Word of God is Jesus, and the Bible is a compilation of translated Scriptures. So far, I haven't found a Bible verse or a good enough reason to equate Scripture to Word of God.
5. Remembering that the Holy Spirit is the greatest Teacher (John 16:12-15; I John 2:27), who taught you that the King James Bible was not infallible, the Holy Spirit or man?
Suppose I said it was the Holy Spirit? I'd love to know what you'd say next.
Anyways, if the Holy Spirit is the greatest Teacher and man isn't, why are you trying to teach me (or whoever reads these questions) that the KJV is infallible? If you really think the Holy Spirit should do it, then why not let Him do it while I'm trying to grow in my relationship with God rather than you giving me a lecture on why the KJV is infallible?
6. Since you do believe in the degeneration of man and in the degeneration of the world system in general, why is it that you believe education has somehow "evolved" and that men are more qualified to translate God's word today than in 1611?
In that case, explain the translations before the KJV. Using that kind of (bad) logic, shouldn't the previous versions- the Bishop's Bible, Genevan Bible, etc.- be even better Bibles? Why don't you use them instead?
In fact, let's take it even further and say Jesus used a degenerated Bible- He (and most of the other NT writers) quoted from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, rather than quoting the actual Hebrew.
7. There is one true God, yet many false gods. There is one true Church, consisting of true born-again believers in Christ, yet there are many false churches. So why do you think it's so wrong to teach that there is one true Bible, yet many false "bibles"?
I never said it was wrong to teach there's some false bibles in the world. There probably are. But the teaching of one true Bible is silly. The Bible doesn't even teach that.
8. Isn't it true that you believe God inspired His holy words in the "originals," but has since lost them, since no one has a perfect Bible today?
Nope. God preserved much of the originals. Not in the originals themselves, since they are indeed lost, but in the thousands of ancient copies. If someone had the originals, they could very well change what it says, since all copies are based on it. But since we have no originals, but many copies, it is extremely hard for anyone to try and change something in any of the Scriptures. Now it's a matter of scholars who know much about old languages to determine what is the best translation to use for certain words and phrases, especially the ones that don't really have an English equivalent. God lost the originals (probably for this reason), but He never lost His words. He preserved it far better than He would have had He preserved the originals. We may not have perfect English Bibles, but His words is still there- Jesus came, died, rose, and forgave. And, from what I've read, we are sure of about what 98.something percent of what the originals said. The rest of the percentage is a few words here and there that really do not at all alter the message of the Bible. We may never be able to translate everything from the ancient languages perfectly into English, since there are things in some languages that cannot be translated into others, but God's message of salvation is still flying through in any language.
9. Isn't it true that when you use the term "the Greek text" you are being deceitful and lying, since there are MANY Greek TEXTS (plural), rather than just one?
Oh yes, there's many Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts. But with all the copies we have, we've been able to figure out almost all of what it originally said. 98% of it.
10. Before the first new perversion was published in 1881 (the RV), the King James Bible was published, preached, and taught throughout the world. God blessed these efforts and hundreds of millions were saved. Today, with the many new translations on the market, very few are being saved. The great revivals are over. Who has gained the most from the new versions, God or Satan?
Very few? I still hear of people getting saved all the time.
Why were so many saved in the time of the KJV? Because no Bible had previously been open to the public. The Catholic Church dictated what the people believed, and very few actually were able to get their hands on a Bible and see for themselves what it really said. When the KJV, the first public Bible, got published, of course many people would get saved from reading it. The Bible's teachings clearly contradict much of what the Catholic Church was teaching (though some of it was still kept in the KJV because it was a project to gain more control over Britain). When people found out they didn't need to partake in all the rituals the Catholic Church said would get them to Heaven, and it was by faith alone in Christ, of course there'd be an outbreak of people getting saved! So why's there not so much of a sudden oubreak now? Because having a Bible is a common thing now. It's no longer restricted to only be in the hands of a tyrannical church, and everyone has one or has access to one. But does that mean God's not still saving many people? Of course not.
I may not have answered as well as some other people could, but I wanted to see for myself how well I was able to answer them. 1 Peter 3:15 (1 Pet. 3:15 NIV) does say to always have an answer, right?
Oh, speaking of that verse, it also says to do so with humility and respect. And when I read or listen to KJV-onlyists' arguments, they always have some way of insulting people who don't believe the way they do. Stupid, occultists, satanists, miserable, jack@$$, double faced, fork tongued, unholy, unspiritual, infidels, etc. Sometimes they'll get pretty vulgar. But it's okay, as long as they're only insulting the ones who believe those perverted translations are still good Bibles, right?
If being a KJV-onlyist is gonna require that I throw out 1 Peter 3:15, I don't wanna be one...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Bible Verse Plugin
Having installed it makes me feel so... smart! I don't dab into html coding very often, though I know a little about it.
It's a Bible verse plugin! When applied, it looks for any Bible reference, makes it a link, then when you hover your mouse over it, it shows a little box with the verse(s) inside! Pretty cool, isn't it? It's made by Blue Letter Bible, and their website is here. It's a pretty good website for Biblical resources and such. Good stuff on there.
If you want the plugin on your website or blog, click here. Basically, you copy and paste the code, go to where you edit your html coding for the website or blog or whatever, and stick it right under where it says <head>. Pretty simple!
Though, you gotta be careful with how you word things. If you say something like "number 2" or "is 18", it picks it up as a Bible reference, so you'd have to reword it just a tad. Or just type the number words instead of the number symbols. I've had to look at my other blogs and correct some wording, but it's been no hassle. So I wouldn't worry too much about that. It's not hard.
Oh, and you can edit the coding and set the default translation. Mine's on KJV atm, though I always quote in KJV anyway unless I have reason not to, so do you think there's another translation I should set it to? Which'd be best?
Although, if after the reference I specify a specific translation that's not the default one, it'll use that translation instead. Really neat stuff!
Just because this fascinates me, Imma give ya some examples.
James 1:22
James 1:22 NIV
Psalm 119:11 NASB
Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV
Romans 3:23 ESV
Romans 5:8 NLT
Romans 6:23 ASV
Romans 10:9 RSV
Yes, I just used the Romans Road xD But hey, it's pretty effective, as you can see! Give it a try, you'll love it.
So, when I reference a verse from here on in, I'll put the same verse to another translation next to it for comparison or ease of reading. Such as 1 Cor. 15:3-4 (1 Cor. 15:3-4 RSV). Like that. KJV and RSV for example, side by side.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Motorbike Rides and Bible Copyrights
As of yesterday (03/29/2012), my dad, sister, and I have been in a motorcycle basic safety training course at a Harley Davidson Motorcycle store. Today, day 2, was the first day we got to ride the bikes. Before it began, my sister was on a bike on display at the store and tried a little counter-steering on it (not in motion, of course), and she leaned and the bike leaned, and suddenly, the bike was too heavy for her support, so she (very slowly) fell to the ground with the bike, with most of the employees and other people watching. Needless to say, it was hilarious xD My sister was quite embarrassed. I was so worried- I hoped the bike was okay!
Kidding :)
Anyways, after she got up and a guy and I picked the bike up, she said to me, "I hope you fall and embarrass yourself!"
Later, during the riding portion of the class, I was making a turn and inadvertently twisted the throttle, and upon hearing the noise, I freaked out and slammed on the hand brakes. For those who don't know, slamming the hand brakes while the handlebars are turned is a big no-no. I fell. And the bike seriously crushed my foot. That was all it landed on. For the most part, I flew off, I think. I wasn't really paying attention to exactly what I was doing when I made, as my instructor put it, my demonstration of an unintentional dismount xD
Though the other instructor, when he saw me slam to the ground, saw blood. So when they pulled the bike off me and came to me, he pointed out that he saw the blood first and was worried about where it was coming from, and when he said it, I realized a small pain in my right elbow and, sure enough, the thing is scraped real good. Though my elbow is the least of my worries with my foot having been crushed.
Thank God I have crooked legs. When I fell (front first), my foot twisted in the direction where it didn't feel like it was being twisted too much. See, when my knees are in their straight, natural position, my feet point outward. and my foot, when being crushed, wasn't turned too far off from its normal position. And thank God I was wearing boots. Had I been wearing my tennis shoes, I think my foot probably would have been destroyed. What they say about safety gear is right! Wear it, people!
And no, I didn't scream in pain or anything :P When I landed and the bike got on my foot, I just lay there. They took a couple seconds to get to me, so I kinda sighed and tapped my fingers a bit and said, "Hurry, please!" Hey, the thing was hurting! Right as I said that though, one instructor told me the other one was right there, and I felt him trying to get the bike off, and call the other one for assistance. But that all may know, I was not a wimp about it :P
My foot seems to be fine for the time being, we're gonna wait and see how it is in the morning. I'm still limping around, but it doesn't feel broken or sprained, thank God. Maybe I can keep taking the class tomorrow. I hope.
Anyways, the other half of the title, the Bible copyrights.
Another KJV-only argument has been presented to me on more than one occasion: the King James Bible is the only one without a copyright, and all the other ones have one. God would not use a copyrighted one so people can get rich from it, so it must be God's perfect translation.
First off, there's plenty of problems with the argument. They don't seem to take into consideration the cost of making a translation, so in order to cover those costs and not lose money, they'd have to copyright it so no one steals their work and the profits go to them. And what's wrong with them making a little profit? I mean, of course, they shouldn't be cutting corners and getting a ton more money than they should be getting, but they gotta make a living! Just like everyone else does. And besides, who says God can't use a something copyrighted to be His perfect Bible? What, is God too cheap to use a copyrighted translation?
But, I found something that completely destroys that argument: the KJV has a copyright.
You read it right, the thing has a copyright! The copyright is held in the U.K. The reason we use it freely here (and anywhere outside the U.K.) is because the U.K. doesn't enforce the copyright laws on the KJV outside it. I found that out by accident while reading the KJV's article on Wikipedia. Since people don't like to believe Wikipedia, I Googled it and verified it. The KJV does, in fact, have a copyright and its copyright laws are held in the U.K. and enforced only in the U.K.
Just for anyone's devil's advocate side, you can't say the KJV's copyright not being enforced in America shows that God uses it as the perfect translation only in America. That is a cop-out one can't even prove. If one has been saying the KJV is the only holy translation of the Bible, one can't all of a sudden change one's mind to attempt to keep the upper hand. One made the assertion that it didn't have any copyright and therefore it's God's; now that it does have a copyright, it's only for America? That's gonna pose plenty of problems for whoever tries to go that route.
Now, I realize just because it has a copyright doesn't mean it isn't still God's one and only perfect and inspired translation, but one certainly cannot be going around saying that it doesn't have a copyright, and that not having one proves it's God's. One just can't do it. So bad argument there. It's founded on a lie.
And honestly, if being a KJV-onlyist means making arguments founded on nothing but lies that I've been spoon-fed by die-hard KJV-only pastors, I don't wanna be one...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Jesus Lying?
The argument was shown to me like this: John 7:8 in the KJV says, "Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for My time is not yet full come." Then in most other translations (we'll use NIV), it'll say something like, "You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because My time has not yet fully come.” Then you go to verse 10, and in the KJV, it says, "But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret." And in the NIV (and some other translations), it goes like, "However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also, not publicly, but in secret." Okay, what's the deal?
The idea is, the KJV (and, may I note, a few others as well) have the word "yet" in verse 8, while the other translations do not, so it appears that Jesus is saying, "I'm not going." then goes later, while in the KJV He says, "I'm not going yet." and goes later.
Today, when I thought about it, the first thing that came to my mind after I mentally reviewed that argument was, "Would the translators who made the NIV deliberately leave out the 'yet' if they knew it was probably in the originals? Would translators who produce other translations? Perhaps one or even two, but there's plenty of translations missing a 'yet'." I then did a little Googling to see if I could find a case that legitimately showed even without the "yet," Jesus wouldn't have lied, even though it looked like He did. Obviously, there's always an answer, and I found some, but none really convinced me much, except for one, which said something about the Greek sentence structure with verse 8 is present tense, so it could be rendered in English also as, "I'm not now going." I tried to verify it, but I just don't think I can figure out the stuff with the Greek. (If someone could help me verify it that would know what to look for, I'd love to know your thoughts on it.) Though it does sound legit. But my devil's advocate side says, "If that's how it could be rendered, why didn't they put it there so people could understand it better?" I couldn't really think of an answer, so I just started mulling over it for a while. Some had said something about the context, others the Greek, some the grammar... How to come up with a legit-sounding answer that shows the 'yet' is implied whether it's there or not?
It hit me.
Look at that context again. John 7:1-10 NIV, "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill Him. But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, Jesus’ brothers said to Him, 'Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that Your disciples there may see the works You do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since You are doing these things, show Yourself to the world.' For even His own brothers did not believe in Him. Therefore Jesus told them, 'My time is not yet here; for you any time will do. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify that its works are evil. You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because My time has not yet fully come.' After He had said this, He stayed in Galilee. However, after His brothers had left for the festival, He went also, not publicly, but in secret."
First off, what's this feast? Google helped me with this one. It's Sukkot- The Feast of the Tabernacles, or the Feast of the Booths. It lasts about a week, and it's to commemorate the time when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert. Very important Jewish holiday. In fact, Hebrew4Christians.com says it's the most important of all holidays.
Now, let's remember, the Jews are all believers in God. (In those times, I mean.) Everyone in Israel practiced the customs and holidays because God had commanded them to back in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible). Anyone who is a Jew and doesn't observe this holiday is, well, probably unheard of. This is serious stuff. And what's Jesus? A Jew. And it's obvious He believes God exists and knows the Torah very well.
This same Jesus tells His brothers (well, half-brothers, technically) that He's not going to this festival, after they mockingly invite Him to go with them and show Himself to be the Messiah He claims to be. Yet His bros are not shocked at all. The Bible doesn't record the brothers being shocked or anything. Now, I know it actually doesn't give their response at all. But if Christians are to take the Bible as being inerrant, would they believe John stopped writing in the middle of the conversation between Jesus and His brothers? If John is being the honest writer we assume he's being, we can assume Jesus' answer was final and His brothers didn't push Him any more. So where is the shock and questioning of Jesus as for His reasoning for not going to partake of this feast? This was a huge thing to say you're Jewish, obey the Torah, then go and say you're gonna disobey it. But it appears as if they just left without a fight. Why would they have done that unless they and Jesus knew something we don't? The only explanation is that Jesus did, in fact, mean He was not going to go with them, especially publicly, and He was not going right now, and implied He was gonna go later. And that He did in verse 10. Privately, of course.
Now, the devil's advocate is telling me, "But that just has to mean the 'yet' was there!" Not necessarily. Lots of manuscripts have it with it, lots have it without it, so it's hard to really tell if it's supposed to be there or not. But whether it is or not, it's most certainly implied in the context.
"If it's that certain, why don't all translations just take out 'yet'?" Well, apparently it's not that certain. I imagine there's some we can't quite tell how old they are. There's probably lots of other reasons, I don't know. And I doubt most people reading this actually study ancient documents for themselves. But the translators likely use their own judgement and discretion about what they believe was originally in there and what wasn't. That's what I believe is probably the case- some translators feel it's necessary to put in the "yet" (or "now") and others don't. And besides, with the kind of reasoning mentioned, why does it matter if 'yet' is there or not? It's certainly implied in the context. If one can see that, one should know that other translations, even without "yet," do not portray Jesus as a liar.
Note: I came up with this idea myself. If it's right, then I believe it to be from God, showing me the answer. But I want all to know I haven't (intentionally) stolen anyone's ideas. If someone's thought of this before me, more power to them. Thank God I finally caught onto it :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Adam and Earth
Anyways, I've kinda recently come to believe it's at least possible (scratch that, I'm really leaning towards it being probably true) the Earth is as old as most scientists say, being around 4.6 billion years old. Among other reasons, I believe it's because 1) God and science do go hand in hand and 2) it doesn't really matter how old it is; it's silly to hold onto the belief of 6,000 years just because it's all one has been taught. If one calls me a heretic for believing the Earth is that old, what reason do they have for it? What doctrine of salvation does it alter?
Anyways, about a month ago-ish, my Philosophy and Apologetics teacher took my brother out to spend a bit of time with him and get to know him. He came back to drop him off while there was a deaf party going on (for all who don't know, my parents are deaf), though of course, there were some hearing people there too. Anyways, the point is, the teacher came in his van with my brother, dropped him off, and I stopped him before he drove off and gave him the essay I'd written for my semester final in his class. His wife, who's also the Writing and English teacher, had read them all and graded them, and she spoke highly of mine and he'd wanted to read it. So I hopped in the van with him, since it was cold, and we started talking a bit. In the end, we'd stayed there talking for perhaps one or two hours. I really love talking with him. He's got the most interesting ideas and interpretations of the Bible, most of which I'd never heard before, so I'm always eager for him to share his thoughts.
Anyways (I say anyways a lot, don't I?), part of the conversation went to the age of the Earth. He's the one who introduced me to the idea of Earth being as old as 4.6 billion years, so we discussed it a bit. I do believe it, but I prefer being beyond reasonable doubt. I know there are some who compromise between the whole 6,000 years and 4.6 billion years and say, "God created Earth with age, just as He did with Adam. Adam was a full-grown man when he was formed, yet he would've been only a few days old after creation." And it's not a bad theory, I could live with it if it were true. So I asked about his thoughts on it. He said it's possible, though if it were true, it would make God look like a deceiver, having Earth be so young yet look so old. And of course, it's satan, not God, who is the father of lies. With this point taken, I played devil's advocate and said, "What about Adam, though? The Bible does seem to imply he was formed as a full-grown man." It was there he admitted, "I don't know." And of course, we found plenty of other stuff to talk about, but for a while, I've been mulling over that one. How can Earth and the Universe all truly be old, yet Adam be formed with age? And I started coming up with an answer, but it wasn't until last night (at the time of this typing, so "last night" is March 25, 2012) that I finally found out how to word it. I went to his church, of which he is pastor, and after service, sat with him and began a conversation and got around to talking about this subject, and the words formed right in my head: The reason the world and universe can be first created without age, yet Adam be created with it? "There was no one to deceive."
Of course! And when I said that to him, he closed his eyes and laughed for a bit. I'm not sure if he found it funny or if he was laughing in that way one laughs when something obvious hits them that they'd overlooked. Maybe both, I don't know. But he agreed, that was definitely a good explanation. Assuming there was no one before Adam (believe it or not, there are some who believe in a pre-Adamic race of humans, and there's all sorts of reasons and such, but that's a topic I'll mull over and research later), it would be perfectly alright if he were made with age, because there was no one around to deceive! We can still see the Earth and observe it, so of course God wouldn't want anything to be deceptive, especially its age. But as far as I know, we haven't found Adam, and we probably never will, so we would never be able to measure how old his bones are, so we could never be tricked by them looking older than they are!
I love thinking :) I don't know why a lot of people don't want to. It's so fun seeing what one can come up with! Not to brag on myself, of course. Not trying to do that.
But hey, waddaya think? Any holes in my theory? I don't mind being criticized or proven wrong.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Why Not? KJV Discussions
For those who don't know, it's a parody of the app Philosoraptor, for iPhone and Android. It's got that pic of the philosoraptor and a green background with two shades of green, and it'll have a random philosophical caption. Eg. "If tomatoes are fruits... Isn't ketchup a smoothie?" It makes a pun of Philoso-raptor.
...Anyways. This was meant for humor, I promise. Though, I sent it to two friends to see how they'd react. The first one, despite being a KJV-only believer, took it humorously. Though at first, she thought I was trying to start something up again, so I had to tell her I was just trying to make her laugh. Then we had a nice discussion about it. She's the kind that doesn't get upset incredibly easy, I like it. She can have a nice discussion with you, even if you believe the polar opposite of her. Or if you believe like she does, with some exceptions (such as not believing the KJV is the perfect Word of God). She's really nice about it. From there, I told her my thoughts on it. What I said was: "My line of thinking is: if the KJV is the perfect translation, it must be how God talks, hence it being called the Word of God. If we have God's own nature in us when we're saved, and that's how He talks, why do we pray and talk to Him in modern English?" She goes something like, "Well, that's how they spoke back then. Now that the times are later and language is changing everyday, we talk modern English." and I asked, "But does He?" Then she goes, "That's something you'd have to ask Him haha. The Bible says He's never changing."
Another thing I like about her- if she doesn't know, she says so instead of trying to come up with some feeble argument or insult. And the discussion is kept really nice! People should discuss this stuff this way more often.
That's why I sent her the pic first :P I knew she'd take it well and be cool if any discussion comes up.
On the other hand, I sent it to another friend who also believes in KJV-only (coincidentally, this is the girl-mentioned-above's brother) and he didn't take it well. He responded with Jude 1:18, which says, "How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts." And he accused me of making a joke out of the Bible. I then said I did not, as the picture does not make fun of the Bible at all, but does make an interesting point. He then said, "The KJV is the Bible and I said that it was a joke therefore I made the Bible out to be a joke." ...No, I didn't. All it does is question why some people don't pray like the KJV is written if they believe so fiercely about it. In a humorous way, yes, but what better way to bring an important matter up, than with a little laughter? He then responded with a phantom argument, saying, "Some people do." I said, "Not the majority, as far as I can tell." Then I texted him my line of thinking that I said above to his sister, adding at the end, "We're supposed to be separated from the world anyway, right?" Then he said something that really bothered me. He said, "We sin, so does God sin? We have His nature, so God must sin." That almost sounds like something an atheist would say to a Christian. First off, it's completely irrelevant, but that's irrelevant. I hope you people know, when one acquires the nature of God, as the relationship between the human and God builds over time, the human is able to think God's thoughts, feel His feelings, speak His words. Sin is out of the question, especially more and more as time goes by and the relationship grows ever stronger. To just accept we still sin after we're saved is just... as if one doesn't think God is even able to completely change us. Of course, there hasn't been a known person that hasn't ever sinned again after they were saved. But that's no excuse to accept the fact of sinning after salvation. When one sins, it damages the relationship with God, so it's a devastating thing to do.
In fact, it almost sounds like an excuse to sin. "I need to tell you something. God told me to tell you, _______ is what you're doing, it's sin, and you need to stop." "Dude, we all sin after we're saved." Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.
I didn't go on about that, though I did sum it up in a reply: "If we have His nature, why continue in sin any longer?" He then asked, "Ask yourself that."
Honestly, that sounds like something out of a movie. What do you think?
Anyways, I'm not one to be "impacted" by movie lines, so I replied with, "I'm asking you. My answer is, there's no excuse to." And I basically said what I just said in that long paragraph above, but shorter.
Right after that, he goes, "Why don't you think the KJV is the Word of God? I just don't get it."
O.o Talk about major rabbit hole! I even called him out on it, "Goodness, you just love making the most random rabbit holes, don't you? xD"
I didn't wanna irritate him by making that into a rabbit hole, so I answered the question. "It's simply because I look at the evidence, and I look at the KJV-only arguments, and that's where it points."
He goes, "What?" I'm not sure if he didn't understand what I said (it did sound a little vague, I guess) or if he was just shocked. So I expanded a little more, saying, "I mean I've looked at the arguments KJV-onlyists make, and I look and think about the evidence, and it seems to point to the KJV being a translation, not the perfect Word of God, excluding all other translations. Of course, it's the Word of God in English, but no more that than the NASB or ESV."
He then goes, "How do you know the ESV and NASB are good?" and I say, "I don't. I don't know enough Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to tell if any translation is good. Do you?"
It's right here he pulls out his ace-in-the-hole. "No, but I have faith."
Had he said that before I took Philosophy and Apologetics class, I prolly couldn't have come up with a really good answer. That really looks like he's got me cornered there.
I then ask, "Where does it come from? In that case, I could have faith about the NIV."
He replies with, "My faith comes from God, and I know without a doubt the KJV is the one and only Word of God."
Again, with the ace-in-the-hole. How am I gonna beat it? This way.
"At this point, you're essentially insulting me rather than arguing. You're hinting that I'm faithless, which doesn't prove anything about the KJV being perfect or not."
He never replied.
My sister said he's probably upset at me. I've not known him to stay upset with me forever, though :)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Jon on the Revelation
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Revelation on the John
Proverbs 3:1-4 (KJV) "My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man."
I honestly think this is as much God talking to His children as it is Solomon talking to his son, if not more. If God's child is to let his/her heart keep His commandments, His law, and bind it around their neck and write it on the table of their heart, it would have to become part of their own nature. Giving a man two tablets and having His children attempt to follow His law from the outside isn't gonna work. Like Solomon wrote, and like Jesus said in the New Testament, it must come from the inside. The only way for that to happen is for one to become born again as God's child, having His nature instead of our own.
I do think I'll be reading Proverbs in a different light now.
That's all for now! I gotta get up.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Chattanooga and the Big Bang
Enough about me. Here's something I feel like explaining.
The Big Bang- most Christians, as far as I know, don't believe its real. Stupid little religion and fairy tale atheists use so God doesn't have to exist, anything scientists says about it is a lie. Right?
I don't think so.
Let's start with this: everything with a beginning has a cause. Everyone will agree on this, I'm sure. Despite the excuses given to cops, nothing happens for no reason. Whether for a mental, physical, or moral or whatever else reason, there's a cause for everything that has a beginning.
Now that's settled. What do Big Bang advocates believe the Big Bang is? The beginning of the universe, as well as space and time and the existence of everything within this universe.
If the universe had this beginning, it must have had a cause, correct? I believe it's ridiculous to believe something can come from nothing without a cause.
Of course, the idea of something coming from nothing even with a cause is just crazy. Unless the cause is the only one thing it could possibly be: the all-powerful God. Why is God the only candidate, though?
The Big Bang is the beginning of the existence of everything within the universe, everything physical. Meaning there was nothing- nothing physical, nothing scientific, just absolutely nothing. No existence of science. No existence of anything except anything without a beginning. Only something- or Someone- eternal and therefore without beginning could have done such a miracle. Yes, the Big Bang, I believe, is the biggest and most widespread miracle of all.
But wait! The Bible says God spoke and the universe came into existence! The Big Bang contradicts that!
How? Who says God didn't speak, and boom! the Big Bang was the result of God commanding existence?
I do like to wonder how other Christians imagine the universe came into existence without the Big Bang though. Perhaps God spoke and all things just faded into existence? Y'know, like that fade effect in some videos and movies where it fades into black, then fades into the next scene? I could believe that, except I honestly don't think God would have science contradict Him. If the evidence truly shows evidence of a Big Bang, I see no reason to believe that's not what happened when God spoke.
I know what's on some of your minds- macroevolution and the billion years thing. Unhook them. I don't believe 1) the Big Bang has anything to do with macroevolution- for some reason, people join them together without thought. And 2) it doesn't matter how old the universe and the Earth are. They also don't have much to do with the Big Bang, although it does have more to do with it than macroevolution does. But for the record, I do not believe in macroevolution. Nor do I need to to believe the Big Bang happened.
That's all for today! I must get up and perhaps eat.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Girls and Spit Up
Heh. My sister just told me, "You gotta sweep her off her feet, but you gotta have the right broom." Then I replied with, "I know what I'll do! I'll get a mop!"
Anyways. Why is it that one can attract many of the opposite sex, but never the one he really wants?
Truth is, I'm in the Friend Zone, and I don't know how to get out and get her to like me. I'm really sweet to her, tell her she's beautiful, am as kind as I can be. And what do I get? "I like you like a brother."
I really wanna get out, but don't know how. I've read little "tutorials," but most are either perverted or they assume the person the reader wants doesn't know he likes her. Perhaps it's a problem she knows I like her?
I doubt many people read this, but for anyone who does, do you have any clue(s) as to how I might at least get her a bit more interested?
Ironically, she said today, "You're a nice guy, anyone would want you." To which I replied, "Apparently not :P"
Away from that topic now... I imagine someone wants to know what of the spit-up. Well, my sister had some water in her mouth, and I said something funny, and she exploded. She didn't spit up on me that much, but some got on me.
Though recently, I had another incident similar to this one which involved a girl who's got the same name as my sister. I was having lunch at my teacher's house (we're homeschooled, and me and some other homeschoolers go to my teacher's house for Philosophy/Apologetics and British History classes), and this girl came in in time for lunch (she's only in the British History class) with some Arby's. She also had some Dr. Pepper. Eventually, we were sitting at opposite ends of the table, and I misheard what my sister said, and asked, "Did you say, '__________?'" (Blank because I forgot what it was.) The girl with Arby's and Dr. Pepper was in the middle of a drink, and as I said it, she laugh really hard and spewed all the Dr. Pepper in her mouth onto me. Which made everyone laugh even harder.
It was the first time I'd been baptized with Dr. Pepper xD
Though, to be quite honest, she is quite pretty, so I didn't really mind xP
Haha my kitty Tom just stole my mom's tissues and brought them to me. He's so cute.
Yes, I'm a guy, and I think this cat is cute. You'd prolly go "Aww" too if you saw his face. Especially if he brings you a tissue sacrifice.
Tomorrow I'll be going to my grandparents' house, then later on go to my other grandparents' house. I hear we'll have a late celebration of my uncle's birthday.
I guess that's all for tonight. Until next time,
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Let's see. How'd I come up with the nickname/screenname J-Lindo? Actually, I didn't. One of my closest friends came up with it, parodying the nickname of Jennifer Lopez, J-Lo. I loved it and decided to use it as my screenname.
I'm a Christian. A strange one though, as I believe it's possible for the Big Bang to actually have happened and am not a KJV-only person, yet my default Bible is the KJV. I love debates and discussions about this kind of stuff. Preferably over text though, I stumble and stammer while debating in person. I guess text gives you more time to carefully plan out one's words, I don't know. And the fact that the person one is debating is not physically there to strangle you is also a plus :D
I also have kinda a habit of using those little face thingies. Another oddity- I'm born and bred Southern, but I don't like cornbread or greenbeans (especially green beans- blech!). I type with proper spelling and grammar and whatnot, but I also lean towards adding in some of that southern dialect- "Do what, now?" "Ain't never gonna happen to me." Stuffs like that.
i used 2 type like this, but i eventually stopped. yknow with all the plz & thx nd idk ys that stufz.
Enough of that, then. I'm 17 and 6'4 and have the capability to grow a full beard, and have since I was 15, though I just keep a goatee. I may eventually try doing a Shaggy cosplay, just for kicks.
If you couldn't tell by my profile pic, or whatever it's called on the blog, I love Star Wars. Ironically, finding the tutorial on how to make the beam of a lightsaber in Paint Shop Pro was completely by accident.
I've also stumbled upon a tutorial on how to make Force Lightning (what you see Darth Hideous, erm, Sidious and Count Dooku doing), though it was for Photoshop, so I had to translate all the instructions so I could do it in Paint Shop Pro.
I use an older version of Paint Shop Pro, version 7. 7.04, to be exact. I hear there's an unofficial 7.05 update somewhere though...
I've grown quite used to it, and I don't look forward to the day when I finally have to drop it.
I also love parodies. So my favorite musician/band is ApologetiX, that Christian parody band. I also love Weird Al.
I have a deviantArt account by the same username. Here- click on this link to check it out.
'nough 'bout me. Do communicate, and I will try to post something or other. It may be some philosophical thoughts, it may be a rant. Maybe something interesting I've found, who knows? We'll see what's on my mind in the near future. Until then,