As of yesterday (03/29/2012), my dad, sister, and I have been in a motorcycle basic safety training course at a Harley Davidson Motorcycle store. Today, day 2, was the first day we got to ride the bikes. Before it began, my sister was on a bike on display at the store and tried a little counter-steering on it (not in motion, of course), and she leaned and the bike leaned, and suddenly, the bike was too heavy for her support, so she (very slowly) fell to the ground with the bike, with most of the employees and other people watching. Needless to say, it was hilarious xD My sister was quite embarrassed. I was so worried- I hoped the bike was okay!
Kidding :)
Anyways, after she got up and a guy and I picked the bike up, she said to me, "I hope you fall and embarrass yourself!"
Later, during the riding portion of the class, I was making a turn and inadvertently twisted the throttle, and upon hearing the noise, I freaked out and slammed on the hand brakes. For those who don't know, slamming the hand brakes while the handlebars are turned is a big no-no. I fell. And the bike seriously crushed my foot. That was all it landed on. For the most part, I flew off, I think. I wasn't really paying attention to exactly what I was doing when I made, as my instructor put it, my demonstration of an unintentional dismount xD
Though the other instructor, when he saw me slam to the ground, saw blood. So when they pulled the bike off me and came to me, he pointed out that he saw the blood first and was worried about where it was coming from, and when he said it, I realized a small pain in my right elbow and, sure enough, the thing is scraped real good. Though my elbow is the least of my worries with my foot having been crushed.
Thank God I have crooked legs. When I fell (front first), my foot twisted in the direction where it didn't feel like it was being twisted too much. See, when my knees are in their straight, natural position, my feet point outward. and my foot, when being crushed, wasn't turned too far off from its normal position. And thank God I was wearing boots. Had I been wearing my tennis shoes, I think my foot probably would have been destroyed. What they say about safety gear is right! Wear it, people!
And no, I didn't scream in pain or anything :P When I landed and the bike got on my foot, I just lay there. They took a couple seconds to get to me, so I kinda sighed and tapped my fingers a bit and said, "Hurry, please!" Hey, the thing was hurting! Right as I said that though, one instructor told me the other one was right there, and I felt him trying to get the bike off, and call the other one for assistance. But that all may know, I was not a wimp about it :P
My foot seems to be fine for the time being, we're gonna wait and see how it is in the morning. I'm still limping around, but it doesn't feel broken or sprained, thank God. Maybe I can keep taking the class tomorrow. I hope.
Anyways, the other half of the title, the Bible copyrights.
Another KJV-only argument has been presented to me on more than one occasion: the King James Bible is the only one without a copyright, and all the other ones have one. God would not use a copyrighted one so people can get rich from it, so it must be God's perfect translation.
First off, there's plenty of problems with the argument. They don't seem to take into consideration the cost of making a translation, so in order to cover those costs and not lose money, they'd have to copyright it so no one steals their work and the profits go to them. And what's wrong with them making a little profit? I mean, of course, they shouldn't be cutting corners and getting a ton more money than they should be getting, but they gotta make a living! Just like everyone else does. And besides, who says God can't use a something copyrighted to be His perfect Bible? What, is God too cheap to use a copyrighted translation?
But, I found something that completely destroys that argument: the KJV has a copyright.
You read it right, the thing has a copyright! The copyright is held in the U.K. The reason we use it freely here (and anywhere outside the U.K.) is because the U.K. doesn't enforce the copyright laws on the KJV outside it. I found that out by accident while reading the KJV's article on Wikipedia. Since people don't like to believe Wikipedia, I Googled it and verified it. The KJV does, in fact, have a copyright and its copyright laws are held in the U.K. and enforced only in the U.K.
Just for anyone's devil's advocate side, you can't say the KJV's copyright not being enforced in America shows that God uses it as the perfect translation only in America. That is a cop-out one can't even prove. If one has been saying the KJV is the only holy translation of the Bible, one can't all of a sudden change one's mind to attempt to keep the upper hand. One made the assertion that it didn't have any copyright and therefore it's God's; now that it does have a copyright, it's only for America? That's gonna pose plenty of problems for whoever tries to go that route.
Now, I realize just because it has a copyright doesn't mean it isn't still God's one and only perfect and inspired translation, but one certainly cannot be going around saying that it doesn't have a copyright, and that not having one proves it's God's. One just can't do it. So bad argument there. It's founded on a lie.
And honestly, if being a KJV-onlyist means making arguments founded on nothing but lies that I've been spoon-fed by die-hard KJV-only pastors, I don't wanna be one...